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The complex, semifluid, translucent substance that constitutes the interior matter of a living cell and is composed of proteins, fats, and other molecules suspended in water. It includes the cytoplasm, the nucleus in eukaryotes, and organelles such as mitochondria.
pro′to·plas′mic(-plăz′mĭk), pro′to·plas′mal(-plăz′məl), pro′to·plas·mat′ic(-plăz-măt′ĭk) adj.


(ˈprəʊtəˌplæzəm) n
(Biology) biology the living contents of a cell, differentiated into cytoplasm and nucleoplasm
[C19: from New Latin, from proto- + Greek plasma form]
ˌprotoˈplasmic, ˌprotoplasˈmatic, ˌprotoˈplasmaticadj


(ˈproʊ təˌplæz əm)
1. the colloidal and liquid substance of which cells are formed, excluding horny, chitinous, and other structural material; the cytoplasm and nucleus.
[1840–50; < New Latin prōtoplasma]


A substance resembling jelly that forms the living matter in all plant and animal cells. Protoplasm is made up of proteins, fats, and other substances suspended in water. It includes the nucleus and cytoplasm.


- A mixture of organic and inorganic substances, such as protein and water, it is regarded as the physical basis of life.


Cytoplasm plus nucleoplasm (the substance that forms the cell nucleus).
Noun1.protoplasm - the substance of a living cell (including cytoplasm and nucleus)
substance - the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists; 'DNA is the substance of our genes'
cytol, cytoplasm - the protoplasm of a cell excluding the nucleus; is full of proteins that control cell metabolism
karyoplasm, nucleoplasm - the protoplasm that constitutes the nucleus of a cell
germ plasm, plasm - the protoplasm of the germ cells that contains chromosomes and genes
blood platelet, platelet, thrombocyte - tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood; essential for blood clotting




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(ˈprəutəplӕzəm) noun

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the half-liquid substance that is found in all living cells. protoplasma بروتوبلازما: مادَّة هيوليَّة أساس الخَلِيَّة الحيَّه протоплазма protoplasma protoplazma das Protoplasma protoplasme πρωτόπλασμαprotoplasma protoplasma پروتو پلاسم plasma protoplasme אַב-חוֹמֶר जीवद्रव्य protoplazma protoplasma frymi protoplasma 原形質 원형질 protoplazma protoplazma protoplasma protoplasmaprotoplasmaprotoplazma پروتوپلاسم protoplasma protoplasmă протоплазма protoplazma protoplazma protoplazma protoplasma ของเหลวที่เป็นองค์ประกอบของเซลล์สิ่งมีชีวิต protoplazma 細胞質 протоплазма مادۂ حيات chất nguyên sinh 细胞质


n. protoplasma, parte esencial de la célula que incluye el citoplasma y el núcleo.

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