Oct 11, 2016 Download +235 free awesome presets for Serum Xfer VST: Serum Presets Including Chords, Drums, Basses, Hybrids, Vocals Free Presets! Serum is an an awesome high quality next-generation synthesizer VST that has a Wavetable editor built right in- you can create your own wavetables in a variety of ways. When I import a pack of new presets, I copy the entire folder with these new presets into the SerumPresets/Presets folder, this way the name of the folder the new presets are in appears under the -Init- field on top of the interface, which makes it easy to novigate through all the preset packs in the future.
This section covers:
This is how to do it..
Auto tune fl stufi 12. Patcher is the most slept on plugin in FL studio It’s pretty much a custom plugin maker once you learn how to use it plus the stock presets can be better than the other plugins in native FL. It has vocal doublers, expanders, compressors, different kinds of distortion, tape.
Installation Video Here
If you have not registered your Boxed software and created an Image-Line Account, please complete the following steps:
If you still have questions or are just obsessively detail oriented then read on..
If you have been through the above steps and are still experiencing difficulties with your Account page or license please -
This section has been provided to help users manage multiple installations and to locate data and files that fail to make the leap across to a new installation. Generally it isn't necessary to be rummaging around in the bowels of the installationfolder during an update.
Your main task is to make sure the File Settings plus custom search paths from FL Studio 11/12 and FL Studio 20 match. You must also copy your data in the old FL Studio installation folder, as listed below, to the new User data folder location. FL Studio 20 marked the change where we stopped saving user data inside the FL Studio installation folder and used the 'User data folder'. This means, next time you update FL Studio the steps below won't be necessary as all the information will be in this new location, outside the FL Studio install.
About the User data folder: From FL Studio 12 (and lower) the Shared data folder has been renamed to User data folder. It now contains ALL your custom FL Studio files. The default location is: ..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL Studio. FL Studio creates the FL Studio sub-folder, so you don't need to add it yourself. You can change the location at any time from the File Settings. However, the paths listed below assume your 'User data folder' is set to:..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-Line. If you have set it elsewhere, you will need to take this into account as you follow the instructions below.
IMPORTANT: Your user data in the FL Studio 11/12 installation folder (plugin database, presets and working audio etc), has not been automatically moved to the new User data folder location. Here's what you need to do:
Of course, it is a given that if you are migrating to a new computer, you must also copy any of the content referenced here to the new computer! In that case it does not need to go into the same folder, it just needs to be in a folder linked to the 'Browser extra search folders'.
..Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12DataProjects
..Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12DataPatchesRecorded
..Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12DataPatchesRendered
..Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12DataPatchesSliced beats
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioProjects
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioAudioRecorded
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioAudioRendered
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioAudioSliced audio
..Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12DataScores
..Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12SystemConfigMappingGeneric
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioPresetsScores
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioSettingsMappingGeneric
..:Program Files (x86)Image-LineFL Studio 11 or 12DataPatchesPlugin database
..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL StudioPresetsPlugin database
NOTE: It's a good idea to follow-up with a 'Verify plugins scan' with 'Rescan previously verified plugins' selected.
You can de-register FL Studio (and plugins) on your old PC/s by followint the steps noted here.
User data - All FL Studio user data is saved to a 'FL Studio' subfolder under ..Users[your computer account]DocumentsImage-LineFL Studio (this is the same for Windows and macOS). If you keep this folder backed up, you should never lose any project related data or settings ever again! If you want to move this data elsewhere, change the User data folder location in the File settings and manually copy all your data to the new location.
Projects and Backup folders are located under:
If you have updated from FL Studio 12 or lower, you will see an 'Old projects' folder in the Browser, this points to the legacy project location. We recommend moving your projects this new location!
NOTE: Many of the sub-folders listed below, won't be created until you create or save data of that type. Feel free to manually create them if you need to add your own content before they are created.
FL Studio looks inside its own installation path ..:Program FilesImage-LineFL Studio N (where N = the FL Studio version number) and in any extra search folders you have set for data files. If you open the new installation and your data appears to be missing there are a number of things to do. The following is provided to help you recover your data and move it to your own file locations where it can be backed up and shared between major revisions of FL Studio.